
SLaunch metrics, rules and guidelines



Getting to know Slaunch concepts in SOROOSH smart ecosystem

In this article, we are going to introduce you to the concepts and rules of participating in SLaunch.



This item stands for Slaunch Identity Authentication and the projects that have this badge, have been verified by the Slaunch team.

Identity verification means full KYC of team members and legal entity of the company, managers and their career records.



This item stands for Slaunch IDEA Innovation by Slaunch team. It is checked and approved by the designated  incubation teams of Soroosh company. The problem raised by the start-up team and the solution and idea raised by the team to solve the problem are examined technically and operationally in a detailed and practical manner.

One of the requirements for passing this item and getting the SII badge in Slaunch is to have a standard business plan and a professional business model, as well as an idea and business development team.



This item stands for Venture Capital investors and is a startup concept that is considered to be investors who invest in creative startups and powerful startup teams. The reason why they are called risk-taking investors is that, similar to traditional or government businesses, there is no bank guarantee, etc. for their investment, and they only invest in the team, start-up, and the proposed idea in order to They help the growth and development of the project and with the success of the start-up, they get much more profit than other investment models, and of course, in case of project failure, they accept a high risk.

The Slaunch team has a special platform for such investors, and every VC investor will have a long-term smart contract to invest in this section and can participate in Presale at the initial offering price, but the tokens received in the smart contract owned by the owner wallet address of the investor, it is locked for 5-6 years ( negotiable ), and a percentage of the tokens is released during 6-month periods, and the owner's wallet address can withdraw the tokens from the smart contract.


S-Score :

This item is actually the overall score of Soroosh Smart Launchpad projects, which ranges from 1 to 100, and consists of several different items, each of which has a certain weight, and the project, by passing each stage, can receive a score of get that section.

Projects that score below 50 points will not be eligible to participate in the initial offering and incubation services in Slaunch. Projects that have more than 60 points have passed all the steps and received the necessary approvals and are suitable for long-term and mid-term investment.

The items that increase the score include: authentication, VC investor, team and creativity, idea and platform, service quality, transparent and professional smart contract and tokenomics, justifiable business plan and business model, etc.


Audit :

This item stands for the received audits of the project, and if a project has audits in various fields and is approved by the SLaunch team, it will receive this badge.


Community :

All startups that plan to participate in Slaunch must have a valid and active community. The community of each startup in social networks such as Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Instagram and YouTube is very important for the Slaunch team and it increases the s-score.